Back in Battle Ground, WA.

Back in Battle Ground, WA.

4/11/2023: Our home for the week.

We are back at Battle Ground Lake State Park, and it is incredibly quiet and peaceful here, probably because it's the off-season. We have only seen a handful of other people, most of whom are day-trippers coming to fish at the lake. The species you might catch in the lake include Black crappie, Bluegill, Brown bullhead, Coastal cutthroat trout, Largemouth bass, Pumpkinseed sunfish, Rainbow trout, Warmouth, and Triploid grass carp.

There are several trails to walk, but with all the rain, they are pretty muddy right now. Earlier, we got super lucky with a break in the clouds, and the sun peeked out for a few minutes, allowing us to take a nice, long walk.

During our walk, we found a plant we wanted to identify called Japanese Pieris or Japanese Andromeda. Here are three facts about this plant:

  1. Toxicity: All parts of the Japanese Pieris plant, including the leaves, flowers, and nectar, contain andromedotoxins, a type of toxin that can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and even death in humans and pets if ingested in large quantities. However, the plant is not harmful when handled or touched.
  2. Folklore: In Japanese folklore, the Japanese Pieris plant is associated with the spirits of the dead and is believed to bring bad luck if planted near a house or shrine. It is also said to bloom most profusely during years of war or disaster.
  3. Butterflies: Despite its toxicity to humans, the nectar of the Japanese Pieris plant is a favorite food source for several species of butterflies, including the Falcate Orangetip (Anthocharis midea) and the Sleepy Orange (Abaeis nicippe). These butterflies are able to metabolize the andromedotoxins without harm.

We received some good news today; the correct part for our car has arrived. Instead of leaving here on Sunday to go to Bend, OR, we are leaving early on Friday to go to Prineville, OR, to have the part installed. Because of their mistake, they are offering us a spot to plug in for Friday and Saturday nights at no cost.

We will truly miss Battle Ground for another reason: Barrel Mountain Brewing in town has the BEST chicken wings on the planet! Although I have never tried them, the happiness they seem to bring Andy makes me happy too.

I know what you’re thinking: You have your favorite wing place and those are the best wings ever.
Challenge accepted! Please share it with us! We’d love to meet you for wings and a beer or three during this trip.

Andy has received five messages so far asking how people can subscribe to the blog. He is currently working on this and will update you soon.

Happy Tuesday